Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dear Parents...

We worked on a shared writing activity this past week in First Grade writing a letter to our parents about our year so far. During this special writing time we looked at high frequency words that we are working on as sight words in reading and also paid close attention to capital letters and ending punctuation. We hope you enjoy these fun letters!

Dear Parents,
1st grade has been awesome! In 1st grade we have fun! We are learning to read good books by ourselves. Our class works hard every day. We do homework now every weekend. We do lots of activities. Math is fun too! We are making friends and helping each other.

1A Friends

Dear Parents,
In 1B we work hard! If something is hard we say, "I think I can!" We are going to try to get 4 pumpkins to find out the surprise. We are reading Clifford books.


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